If you are involved in a car accident, there are several forms of compensation potentially available to you. Under your own automobile insurance there is, probably, coverage for damage to the vehicle, but there may also be personal injury protection or no-fault insurance in conjunction with your automobile insurance policy which covers lost wages and medical expenses up to a limit of coverage set out in the policy. These claims must be reported promptly. Additionally, if you are injured in an automobile accident which is the fault of another, you should consult with legal counsel regarding presentation of a claim. Consultation with your own legal counsel should occur prior to having conversations with the representative of the opposing party. However, such claims should be brought promptly and therefore you should seek out legal counsel immediately following such an event. Retain records of all important data such as the identity of the opposing party, tag number, driver’s license number, insurance information, investigating officer’s identification, location of the collision, identification of tow facility, health care provider, ambulance company, and any identified witnesses. In serious claims accident investigation may be desirable and is best performed at the earliest date possible, while skid marks and various debris are still available for examination. Accident investigators may also take photographs of damages and other vehicles involved in the collision, preserving important evidence for the case. Steve King offers a free initial consultation on injury claims. To schedule an appointment call 410-879-7442.